david butler
Mr. David Butler

David Butler specializes in publicly-funded developmental services and project in the fields of agri-food systems and enterprise development. He currently…

Pravashen Naidoo Portrait.webp.1024.png
Mr. Pravashen Naidoo

Pravashen is the Founder and Managing Director of EWaste Africa. He holds a BSc in Electro-Mechanical Engineering from the University…

Ms. Isabelle Laurencin

Isabelle Laurencin is the global lead for Climate tech VC investments within the Disruptive Technologies and Funds team. Isabelle joined…

Rabia Bukhari[19]
Ms. Rabia Bukhari

Rabia Bukhari has over 15 years of experience working with development and international organizations, she joined USAID in 2010 as…

Ms. Nurzat Myrsalieva
Ms. Nurzat Myrsalieva

Mrs. Nurzat Myrsalieva is a senior energy expert at UNIDO, working on global programmes such as the industrial energy acceprator…

Margherita Tenedini
Ms. Margherita Tenedini

Margherita is an energy engineer currently serving as Junior Professional Officer for the Climate and Technology Partnerships unit at UNIDO….

Ms. Daria Noschevnik

Daria Nochevnik has spent the last decade working in energy and climate policy and regulatory affairs presently as Director for Policy…

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