The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is following the lead of the UN Secretary-General by contributing to inclusive and sustainable development and climate security. This is clearly reflected in the UNIDO mandate to achieve inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID). Providing inclusive, clean and sustainable energy solutions is a main ingredient of ISID.
Against this backdrop, UNIDO’s Department of Energy has acquired a strong track record in helping partner countries to improve industrial energy efficiency, use renewable energy in industrial processes, deploy low carbon low emissions technologies, and implement smart and supportive policies.
UNIDO believes that strong partnerships and global forums are required in order to find common ground for addressing the challenges related to sustainable energy in the 2030 Development and the Climate Agendas, and to achieve tangible results on the ground.
The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) is an independent scientific institute that conducts research on the environmental, economic, technological, and social changes we face in the 21st century. Energy research, being one of the Institute’s core research activities, explores energy technology innovation, energy security, energy access and poverty, sustainable energy, and climate change.
Its major focus lies on the linkages between these areas and other important global issues such as health, environment, food security, gender, and equity. IIASA’s energy research serves as an input to policy-making at both national and international level. It is also an important contribution to the work of the UN on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and relevant institutions such as UNIDO, SEforALL, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs
Austria’s commitment to clean and sustainable energy production and energy efficiency is also reflected in its foreign policy actions, particularly in the activities of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC). As part of the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, the key objectives of ADC include combating poverty in developing countries, securing peace and human security as well as preserving the environment and protecting natural resources.
Strengthening infrastructure particularly in the water and sustainable energy sectors is another focal area. Austria has obtained considerable experience and knowledge in the field of renewable energy, and is ready to share it.During the past ten years BMeiA has supported the Global Forum on Sustainable Energy (GFSE), which grew out of the outreach efforts of the World Energy Assessment. GFSE is an established multi-stakeholder platform and a partner in the field of international “energy for sustainable development”. It contributes to both the international discourse and information dissemination on sustainable energy. The GFSE has since 1999 been hosting annual meetings on energy-related issues. Vienna, hosting ten international organizations dealing with energy issues, has developed into an international energy hub over the years.
Austrian Development Agency
Sustainable energy supply has constituted a thematic priority of the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) for many years. The ADA is responsible for implementing bilateral programmes and projects in ADC’s partner countries. ADA is thus well equipped to share Austria’s internationally respected energy know-how with its partner countries, with a special focus on renewable energies.
With its approach of working closely with public institutions, civil society organizations and enterprises alike, supporting regional organizations such as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) or the Southern African Development Community (SADC), and its commitment to multilateralism, ADA first and foremost promotes cooperation and integration.LESS