Meteorology development for a sustainable future (WMO, GEIDCO and Huawei)

Weather and climate represent fundamental uncertainty for every social economic sector, especially for energy and agriculture. Agriculture is a key sector that is extremely vulnerable to climate variability and change, while the energy sector is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere contributing to climate change and also the central player in efforts to reduce emissions and mitigate climate change.

The transition towards renewable energy sources is critical to meet the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change. Renewables are susceptible to fluctuating weather patterns and are intermittent since they are dependent on climatic factors. Weather has a significant impact on the prevalence of pests and diseases, the availability of water, and the amount of fertilizer needed to grow crops.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) for weather forecasts can present a step change, especially for the global agri-food system. Large pre-trained models such as Huawei’s PANGU have proven their superiority for medium-range weather forecasts over traditional approaches. Accurate weather forecasts enable farmers to make informed decisions about planting, harvesting, and managing their crops. In turn, agricultural productivity can increase. Moreover, accurate weather forecasts will also aid the energy sector in optimizing operations, mitigating risks, and ensuring efficient energy production.

Opening by moderator Bo Yin, Executive Director of Europe Office, GEIDCO

Li Baosen, Deputy Secretary-General, GEIDCO
Roberta Boscolo, Scientific Officer, World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Hao Hu, Chief Expert of the Electric Power Digitalization BU, Huawei

Discussion and introduction by youth moderator: Laura Rinker, PhD candidate, University of Hohenheim

Dario Liguti, Director of Sustainable Energy, Sustainable Energy at United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
Zhanghua Zheng, Senior Research Fellow, GEIDCO
Sergio Missana, Secretary-General, Climate Parliament
Bas van Ruijven, Research Group Leader, International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA)


Nov 03 2023


11:30 am - 1:00 pm

