Director, Programme on Modeling and Economic Analysis, COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Roberto is a professor at COPPE/UFRJ, holds a PhD in Energy Management and Policy from the University of Pennsylvania (USA, 1990). Roberto was a Lead-author (LA) and a Coordinating-lead Author (CLA) of UNEP´s 2012 and 2013 Emissions Gap Reports.
He has also been a contributor to IPCC reports and assessments since 1998, and more recently he was a CLA of the modeling chapter on “Mitigation Potential and Costs” of the 2011 IPCC WGIII SRREN, and a CLA of the chapter on “Transport”, of the IPCC WGIII AR5. Since 2002 Roberto has been and International Adviser for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on external assessment of the Agency´s capacity building activities on methodologies and analytical tools for sustainable energy development.
As of July 2014, Roberto began to serve, for a period of four years, on the Science Advisory Council (SAC) of the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), in Sweden, and, for a period of three years, on the Science Advisory Committee (SAC) of IIASA, in Austria. Roberto is Associate-editor of the two British scientific journals Climate Policy and Energy-The International Journal. He coordinated the most complete mitigation study ever developed for Brazil, the GEF/UNEP-sponsored research project ‘Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Options in Key Sectors of Brazil”, which supported the official Brazilian position during COP21, in Paris, in 2015.