Prabodh K Sheth

Chief Executive Officer and President, ICEE International

A diverse individual & qualified accountant, Prabodh has a passion for business and specialises in launching and turning companies around. After 10 years in Arthur Andersen, and 12 years in building and divesting a successful software house, he freelanced as a consultant. He then invested in ICEE International, an award winning energy efficiency solution company and also owns two vegetarian restaurants, all based on principles of Sustainability.
He loves life, enjoys learning, thrives on challenges, and believes firmly in the power of positive thinking and cooperation.

The Intelligent Chiller Energy Efficiency (ICEE) System is an IoT solution, using sensors and intelligent algorithms, that ensures ideal temperature/humidity in a building consistently and in doing so conserves energy (up to 30%) of the largest component in central air conditioning systems, the chiller. One of the telling testaments of relevancy of this system is buildings that are too cold or uncomfortable, and thus our founder’s dream to find an automated, self-adjusting system that can continuously address each individual building’s specificity without manual intervention.

Digitally transforming management of chillers into a real-time, automatic, dynamic optimisation process, it is ideal for any building that wants to save energy & money as it requires no human interface. The ICEE System works with any brand and age of chiller, complements building automation system and is ideal for Demand Response Management solutioning (solution).
Our unique value proposition is that any organisation with a lot of buildings will see improvement in profit margins significantly, over and above a lucrative symbiotic investment with a guaranteed three-year ROI Model. Though a start-up, we have seven proven sites with 3 years of validated data and are a Global Winner – Energy Efficiency Category at the International Cleantech Open Forum 2017.