Working with Business Leaders to Catalyze Action on Energy Efficiency and Change
The Global Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator (GIEEA) of the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) platform seeks to work with up to 15 countries with the aim of catalyzing significant industrial efficiency uptake by 2025. In September 2015, the world’s leaders came together to agree on 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One of those goals, SDG 7, calls for secure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030. This Industrial Platform will drive productivity, create jobs, increase income, lower utility costs and improve health.
The Industrial Platform is led by UNIDO and The Carbon Trust as co‐convenors. It benefits from a number of supporting partners, including the Energy Working Group of the Clean Energy Ministerial, the International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC), and the Carbon Disclosure Programme (CDP). It will also act with other private sector commitment makers (Marrakech Declaration, We Mean Business, We Commit, and Global Alliance on Energy Productivity) and bring on further core partners – particularly from the private sector.
The Industrial Platform will work in each target country with leading Government officials, business leaders and investors to create a clear and disciplined vision of how to further mobilize energy efficiency in the key industrial sectors and set out actions for how to reach this goal.
A learning from the other SE4ALL Accelerators is the importance of close private sector engagement, which ensures there is a market pull for the programme and projects. The industry accelerator will actively engage with industry in two ways. Firstly by engaging with technology providers of energy efficiency technologies for various sectors of industry at the global level to increase awareness about available technologies and practices and impact of implementing such technologies on industrial productivity. The accelerator will also engage with industrial champions that have already progressed in implementing energy management and energy efficiency at their own enterprises with a view to share this experience globally and recognize their efforts thus encouraging more companies from around the world to join the accelerator. The industry accelerator will work with private sector players at the global and national level to catalyze actions in industry.
docum: Rana Ghoneim – “Introduction to the Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator”, Sisa Njikelana – “South Africa Experience”, Milind Deore – “Advancing Energy Efficiency in Industrial Sector – India”, Olga Victoria Gonzalez Gonzalez – “National Energy Efficiency Plan for Colombia”, Session Summary