The Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN)Clean Energy and Climate Investment Forum & Official Launch
This Special Event, organised in conjunction with the Vienna Energy Forum 2017, will serve as platform for match-making between investment-ready proposals for low carbon, climate resilient projects and businesses with prospective investors. It will coincide with the formal launch of the Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN) under UNIDO and REEEP hosting.
PFAN has hand-picked the most promising project proposals from its existing portfolio for introduction to investors. Selected project developers are undergoing coaching by PFAN financing experts ahead of the forum with the view of refining business models and preparing investor pitches. Those proposals will be presented by the respective developers and scrutinized by a jury of eminent clean energy and climate experts and investors at the forum to compete for the PFAN Global Awards.
The project proposals showcased will cover a range of low carbon, climate resilient technologies, including for clean energy generation, energy efficiency, energy access, and climate change adaptation.
PFAN will be officially launched after its successful institutional transition within its new hosting arrangement at UNIDO in collaboration with REEEP. A high-level panel of various stakeholder representatives will exchange views on climate financing and the role of technical assistance in leveraging private sector finance.
During the Ceremony, the PFAN Global Awards will be presented to the best project proposals.
The launching and awards ceremony will be open to the public and media.
The PFAN Investment Forum is an invitation-only event, with limited capacity, taking place in conjunction with the Vienna Energy Forum. Please contact Ms Ylwa Pettersson (y.pettersson [at] in case of interest. Please note that registration for the VEF does not include registration for the Investment Forum.
docum: Session Summary