Multisectoral Capacity Building as Precondition to Implement NDCs and to Reach SDGs
After the enacting of the SDGs and the Paris Agreement in 2015 the NDCs and sustainable development strategies need to be implemented. A successful implementation requires the public, private, finance and academic sector and a good cooperation among these sectors. Capacity Building for relevant stakeholders on green energy options (energy saving, energy efficiency and renewable energies) will be a precondition for realistic strategy development of the public sector, private sector involvement, private finance and skilled staff emerging from academic education.
This side event will deepen the discussion of High-Level Panel IV, SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy and SDG 13: Climate Action and give some answers on how to take action for NDC implementation.
docum: Clemens Findeisen – “The Capacity Development Approaches of GIZ in the Energy Sector”, Sigmund Kluckner – “Building the Capacity of Climate Knowledge Brokers”, Michael Franz – “Capacity Development towards Project Development and Financing for RE and Access Projects in Africa”, Berthold Breid – “Know-how Transfer and Capacity Building for Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency”