Energy Efficiency, an essential driver for urban development in Africa

AEEP at the Vienna Energy Forum 2015
Energy Efficiency, an essential driver for urban development in Africa
The Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP) in cooperation with European Commission’s Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) cordially invites to attend and participate in the event entitled “Energy Efficiency, an essential driver for urban development” on the 19th of June 2015 from 12:00h to 16:30h, at the Hofburg Palace in the Schatzkammersaal in Vienna, Austria, as a side event to the Vienna Energy Forum 2015.
Africa is facing one of the fastest rates of urbanisation in the world, with sub-Saharan Africa leading the way. Urban density offers a high impact opportunity to reduce emissions through more efficient infrastructure and planning and to promote energy efficiency development policies. Provision of access to (urban) modern energy services is of uttermost importance to Africa, and energy efficiency should be considered as a cornerstone of any policy in this regard. In order to effectively promote energy efficiency, it is important to discuss and understand viable and scalable energy efficiency policies that can spark development and ensure a more sustained provision of energy. For further Information please refer to the agenda attached here.
The session will present and discuss the current status of energy efficiency initiatives in Europe and Africa in order to identify viable options that are applicable and scalable for African urban development. It will bring together experienced high level practitioners with policymakers and financiers. The session will also contribute to mapping stakeholders in energy efficiency, and provide valuable inputs in terms of monitoring and tracking progress in the sector. Moreover, it will support the development of the AEEP work stream on energy efficiency.
Logistical Information
As part of the Vienna Energy Forum 2015, the AEEP side event “Energy Efficiency, an essential driver for urban development” will take place on 19th June 2015 from 12:00h to 16:30h, at the Hofburg Palace in the Schatzkammersaal in Vienna, Austria. Lunch will be provided at the venue.
In order to participate at the event, kindly register for the Vienna Energy Forum 2015 at its website ( and confirm your participation until the 12th of June 2015 with the AEEP secretariat at aeep [at]
If you do have any further questions or clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact the AEEP Secretariat.
We hope you can participate in the event, and look forward to seeing you there.
Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP)

Energy efficiency, an essential driver for urban development in Africa
Provisional Agenda

12:00 – 12:10

Opening and welcome addresses
– Europe’s Contribution to Energy Efficiency in Development Cooperation
Klaus Rudischhauser, Deputy Director General DEVCO, European Commission

12:10 – 12:45

Session 1: Setting the Scene
– State of play in Africa in deploying EE initiatives
Philippe Niyongabo, Head of Energy Division, African Union Commission
– Strategies to increase the efficient use of energy in Europe
Pirjo-Liisa Koskimaki, Adviser to the Director of Renewables, Research and Innovation and Energy Efficiency, Directorate General for Energy, European Commission

12:45 – 13:45

Session 2: EU supporting Energy Efficiency in Africa
– EU Member States promoting Energy Efficiency in Africa
Kerstin Faehrmann, Head of Section Energy, Infrastructure, Natural Resources, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany, AEEP Co-Chair
– Lessons from Africa: experiences with Energy Efficiency concepts
Dr. Vincent Kitio, Chief Urban Energy, UN Habitat, Kenya
Dr. Jeremy Ntambi, Kampala Capital City Authority / Eng. Evode Nkusi, Kigali Local Government
– EE in a urban context: empowering cities of Africa
Felice Zaccheo, Deputy Head of Water, Energy and Infrastructure Unit, DG DEVCO, European Commission
Perla Srour-Gandon, International Relations Officer, DG ENER, European Commission

13:45 – 14:45

Lunch Break

14:45 – 16:15

Session 3: Moderated Panel Discussion
Benefits of and challenges for Energy Efficiency in urban development in Africa
– What are the “Multiple benefits” of Energy Efficiency in urban areas?
– What are the main barriers to delivering energy efficiency?
– Which development instruments are needed to overcome these barriers?
– How can investments in energy efficiency be increased?
African Union Commission, UN Habitat, ICLEI, EU MS, European Commission DG ENER,
European Commission DG DEVCO, African Development Bank, African Local Government

16:15 – 16:30

Way forward and conclusions
– Nico Longo, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, AEEP Co-Chair

Moderation: Prof. Emanuela Colombo, UNESCO Chair in Energy for Sustainable Development, Department of Energy – Politecnico di Milano

Klaus Rudischauser- Deputy Director General at DG Development and Cooperation
Klaus Rudischauser joined the European Commission in 1989 and took up duty in the Directorate-General Environment. Subsequently he worked on assistance to the Newly Independent States and then was Head of Unit at the Directorate-General Personnel and Administration and the Directorate-General Energy and Transport where he was in charge of the Transeuropean Transport Networks.
From March 2007 to May 2011, Klaus Rudischhauser was Director at the Directorate-General Development and Relations with ACP Countries. His areas of responsibility covered amongst others: Programming of the European Development Fund (EDF), Panafrican issues, Peace and Security in Africa, Migration, Governance, Budget support and debt relief.
From June 2011 to July 2012, Klaus Rudischhauser was in charge of Directorate B Quality and Impact of Aid at DG Development and Cooperation – EuropeAid. His responsibilities included amongst others: Quality of aid; Evaluation; Inter-institutional relations; Information and Communication.
Since 22 November 2011 Mr Rudischhauser represents Commissioner Piebalgs in the UN initiative Energy for All.
As of 1 August 2012 Mr Rudischhauser is Deputy Director General at DG Development and Cooperation – EuropeAid and oversees directorates EU development policy, Sustainable Growth and Development, Human and Society Development as well as the Task-force for an enhanced dialogue with International Organisation and three units dealing with respectively Communication and transparency, Institutional relations, Quality and results.

Felice Zaccheo – Deputy Head of Unit, Water – Energy and Infrastructures – Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development, European Commission
Mr Felice Zaccheo has over 25 years’ experience in cooperation and development.
He started his professional career in the field as responsible for a rural development project in Ethiopia.
He has been project manager and adviser for several rural development projects financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affair in Peru, Tanzania, Tunisia and Nicaragua.
Mr Zaccheo joined the European Commission in 1997 at the Food and Veterinary office in Dublin.
He moved back to Africa in 1999, as Head of Rural Development for the EU Delegation in Nigeria. Among other tasks, he was responsible for rural development micro-projects in the Niger Delta.
In 2003-2007 he was Head of Rural Development for the EU Delegation in Jamaica. One of his main tasks was the execution of development projects in the Caribbean, including Jamaica and Belize.
As from 2007 he works in the European Commission Headquarters in Brussels. First as Deputy Head of Unit for Human Resources he coordinated the career management of DG DEVCO staff, including rotation, mobility and promotion of officials in Headquarters and Delegations.
Currently he is Deputy Head of Unit for Energy, Water and Infrastructure in the Directorate for Sustainable Growth and Development, responsible for coordinating energy activities in the Directorate.

Perla Srour-Gandon –  International Relations Officer, DG ENER
Since November 2014, Perla Srour-Gandon is working as International Relations Officer at the European Commission, Directorate General for Energy. In that position, she deals with EU energy relations with Middle East and North Africa countries and Africa. From 2013 to 2014, she was Policy Adviser at the European Parliament, advising MEPs on Middle East and Gulf Cooperation Council countries. Previously, she worked as Scientific Officer during more than three years at the European Commission, in the Directorate General for Research and Innovation. She was responsible of several projects on Forward Looking activities, Energy issues and on South Mediterranean and Middle East and North Africa countries.
From 2002 to 2010, Perla Srour-Gandon was an analyst in geopolitics, specialising in oil and gas issues. She was an advisor for public and private entities that are present in the MENA region. From 2000 to 2002, she also worked at the Documentation Française as a contributor to a research journal named Maghreb-Machrek. Perla Srour-Gandon holds a Magistère of International Relations from the University Panthéon-Sorbonne and a Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies from the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (Paris). She is also author of several papers on hydrocarbon issues and on energy efficiency on the MENA region in specialised reviews or in EU policy publications.

Ms Pirjo-Liisa Koskimaki – Adviser to the Director of Renewables, Research and Innovation and Energy Efficiency, Directorate General for Energy
Ms Pirjo-Liisa Koskimaki is currently working as Adviser in Directorate of New and Renewable sources of energy, Energy efficiency & Innovation with the European Commission, in the Directorate-General for Energy. The responsibilities cover international energy issues both in multilateral and bilateral fora. Furthermore, she studied energy issues in developing countries and published papers on these topics. She has been frequently interviewed in specialized reviews on energy in sub-Saharan Africa countries.
Previously Ms Pirjo-Liisa Koskimaki was working as Head of Unit of Energy Efficiency in the Directorate General for Energy, responsible for general efficiency policy development, several legal measures and international collaboration in energy efficiency. Previously, she was working as Head of Units for Communication, Sectoral economies, Environment, Energy technology strategy in the Directorate General for Energy and Transport.
Prior to joining the European Commission, she occupied different tasks in Ministry of Trade and Industry, Energy Department of Finland, with her latest occupation as Head of Division for Energy Efficiency. Her responsibilities included all elements of the national efficiency policy, including several international collaboration tasks.


Jun 19 2015


12:00 pm - 4:30 pm